How does a deluge sprinkler system work?
A deluge sprinkler system is a type of fire suppression system that is designed to quickly flood an entire area with water. This system is typically used in industrial facilities, warehouses, and other large buildings where a rapid response is needed to prevent fires from spreading.
The deluge sprinkler system works by using a network of pipes and sprinkler heads that are linked to a deluge valve. The valve is typically located outside the building and is designed to release a large volume of water into the system when it is activated. The system is typically activated by a fire alarm or smoke detector, which sends a signal to the valve to open.
Once the valve is opened, the water rushes into the pipes and out through the sprinkler heads. In a deluge system, all of the sprinkler heads are open at the same time, which means that water is sprayed over the entire area. This helps to quickly extinguish the fire and prevent it from spreading.